R & D Platform


MESNAC has successively built the National Engineering Research Center For Rubber And Tirethe National Engineering Research Center of Advanced  Equipment and Key Materials for Tires, and the International Joint Research Center  for Digital Rubber Tire Equipment, initiated the establishment of the China Tire Smart Manufacturing and Standardization Alliance,and actively promoted the intelligence upgrade of the rubber industry.


ROC Smart Product Platform

MESNAC has established a modular-based ROC product platform to realize large-scale customization of high-end rubber equipment.

Product Platform

Meet different tire process customization needs, different automation configuration customization needs, different factory management customization needs, etc., to achieve rapid product customization;

Testing Platform

Establish a physical test and virtual simulation two-wheel drive test platform to ensure the stability and reliability of each module;

Technology Platform

Independent research and development of new technologies, grafting stable and reliable modules, to achieve rapid breakthroughs and continuous innovation of new technologies

R&D Layout

R&D center
  • 8major R&D institutions
  • 300 + technical experts
  • 100 + authoritative experts form an expert committee

R & D Results

  • 1national science and technology progress award
  • 36 provincial and ministerial science and technology awards
  • 4 drafted international standards
  • 6 smart manufacturing standards
  • 87 national and industry standards
  • 71 scientific and technological projects of various national ministries and commissions
  • 2300 +patents
  • 700 invention patents
  • 260 overseas patents
  • 160 software works
R & D Ecology

R & D Ecology

Based on industry development insights, MESNAC has built a customer-centric, collaborative R&D ecosystem with scientific research institutes and suppliers, and constantly innovated industry-leading technologies, products and solutions

(+86)0532 - 84011943